import py from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rstr import STR from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rlist import LIST_OF from rpython.translator.translator import TranslationContext, graphof from rpython.translator.backendopt.writeanalyze import WriteAnalyzer, top_set from rpython.translator.backendopt.writeanalyze import ReadWriteAnalyzer from rpython.translator.backendopt.all import backend_optimizations from rpython.conftest import option class BaseTest(object): Analyzer = WriteAnalyzer def translate(self, func, sig): t = TranslationContext() t.buildannotator().build_types(func, sig) t.buildrtyper().specialize() if option.view: t.view() return t, self.Analyzer(t) class TestWriteAnalyze(BaseTest): def test_writes_simple(self): def g(x): return True def f(x): return g(x - 1) t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze(fgraph.startblock.operations[0]) assert not result def test_writes_recursive(self): from rpython.translator.transform import insert_ll_stackcheck def g(x): return f(x) def f(x): if x: return g(x - 1) return 1 t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) insert_ll_stackcheck(t) ggraph = graphof(t, g) result = wa.analyze(ggraph.startblock.operations[-1]) assert not result def test_write_to_new_struct(self): class A(object): pass def f(x): a = A() a.baz = x # writes to a fresh new struct are ignored return a t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze_direct_call(fgraph) assert not result def test_write_to_new_struct_2(self): class A(object): pass def f(x): a = A() # a few extra blocks i = 10 while i > 0: i -= 1 # done a.baz = x # writes to a fresh new struct are ignored return a t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze_direct_call(fgraph) assert not result def test_write_to_new_struct_3(self): class A(object): pass prebuilt = A() def f(x): if x > 5: a = A() else: a = A() a.baz = x return a t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze_direct_call(fgraph) assert not result def test_write_to_new_struct_4(self): class A(object): pass prebuilt = A() def f(x): if x > 5: a = A() else: a = prebuilt a.baz = x return a t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze_direct_call(fgraph) assert len(result) == 1 and 'baz' in list(result)[0][-1] def test_write_to_new_struct_5(self): class A(object): baz = 123 def f(x): if x: a = A() else: a = A() a.baz += 1 t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze_direct_call(fgraph) assert not result def test_method(self): class A(object): def f(self): self.x = 1 return 1 def m(self): raise ValueError class B(A): def f(self): return 2 def m(self): return 3 def f(a): return a.f() def m(a): return a.m() def h(flag): if flag: obj = A() else: obj = B() f(obj) m(obj) t, wa = self.translate(h, [int]) hgraph = graphof(t, h) # fiiiish :-( block = hgraph.startblock.exits[0].target.exits[0].target op_call_f = block.operations[0] op_call_m = block.operations[1] # check that we fished the expected ops def check_call(op, fname): assert op.opname == "direct_call" assert op.args[0].value._obj._name == fname check_call(op_call_f, "f") check_call(op_call_m, "m") result = wa.analyze(op_call_f) assert len(result) == 1 (struct, T, name), = result assert struct == "struct" assert name.endswith("x") assert not wa.analyze(op_call_m) def test_instantiate(self): from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import instantiate class A: pass class B(A): pass def g(x): if x: C = A else: C = B a = instantiate(C) def f(x): return g(x) t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze(fgraph.startblock.operations[0]) assert not result def test_llexternal(self): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rffi import llexternal z = llexternal('z', [lltype.Signed], lltype.Signed) def f(x): return z(x) t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) backend_optimizations(t) assert fgraph.startblock.operations[0].opname == 'direct_call' result = wa.analyze(fgraph.startblock.operations[0]) assert not result def test_contains(self): def g(x, y, z): l = [x] return f(l, y, z) def f(x, y, z): return y in x t, wa = self.translate(g, [int, int, int]) ggraph = graphof(t, g) assert ggraph.startblock.operations[-1].opname == 'direct_call' result = wa.analyze(ggraph.startblock.operations[-1]) assert not result def test_list(self): def g(x, y, z): return f(x, y, z) def f(x, y, z): l = [0] * x l.append(y) return len(l) + z t, wa = self.translate(g, [int, int, int]) ggraph = graphof(t, g) assert ggraph.startblock.operations[0].opname == 'direct_call' result = sorted(wa.analyze(ggraph.startblock.operations[0])) array, A = result[0] assert array == "array" assert A.TO.OF == lltype.Signed struct, S1, name = result[1] assert struct == "struct" assert S1.TO.items == A assert S1.TO.length == lltype.Signed assert name == "items" struct, S2, name = result[2] assert struct == "struct" assert name == "length" assert S1 is S2 def test_llexternal_with_callback(self): from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.rffi import llexternal from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype class Abc: pass abc = Abc() FUNC = lltype.FuncType([lltype.Signed], lltype.Signed) z = llexternal('z', [lltype.Ptr(FUNC)], lltype.Signed) def g(n): abc.foobar = n return n + 1 def f(x): return z(g) t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) backend_optimizations(t) assert fgraph.startblock.operations[0].opname == 'direct_call' result = wa.analyze(fgraph.startblock.operations[0]) assert len(result) == 1 (struct, T, name), = result assert struct == "struct" assert name.endswith("foobar") class TestLLtypeReadWriteAnalyze(BaseTest): Analyzer = ReadWriteAnalyzer def test_read_simple(self): def g(x): return True def f(x): return g(x - 1) t, wa = self.translate(f, [int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) result = wa.analyze(fgraph.startblock.operations[0]) assert not result def test_read_really(self): class A(object): def __init__(self, y): self.y = y def f(self): self.x = 1 return self.y def h(flag): obj = A(flag) return obj.f() t, wa = self.translate(h, [int]) hgraph = graphof(t, h) op_call_f = hgraph.startblock.operations[-1] # check that we fished the expected ops assert op_call_f.opname == "direct_call" assert op_call_f.args[0].value._obj._name == 'A.f' result = wa.analyze(op_call_f) assert len(result) == 2 result = list(result) result.sort() [(struct1, T1, name1), (struct2, T2, name2)] = result assert struct1 == "readstruct" assert name1.endswith("y") assert struct2 == "struct" assert name2.endswith("x") assert T1 == T2 def test_cutoff(self): py.test.skip("cutoff: disabled") from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable cutoff = 20 attrs = unrolling_iterable(["s%s" % i for i in range(cutoff + 5)]) class A(object): def __init__(self, y): for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, y) def f(self): self.x = 1 res = 0 for attr in attrs: res += getattr(self, attr) return res def h(flag): obj = A(flag) return obj.f() t, wa = self.translate(h, [int]) wa.cutoff = cutoff hgraph = graphof(t, h) op_call_f = hgraph.startblock.operations[-1] # check that we fished the expected ops assert op_call_f.opname == "direct_call" assert op_call_f.args[0].value._obj._name == 'A.f' result = wa.analyze(op_call_f) assert result is top_set def test_contains(self): def g(x, y, z): l = [x] return f(l, y, z) def f(x, y, z): return y in x t, wa = self.translate(g, [int, int, int]) ggraph = graphof(t, g) assert ggraph.startblock.operations[-1].opname == 'direct_call' result = wa.analyze(ggraph.startblock.operations[-1]) ARRAYPTR = list(result)[0][1] assert list(result) == [("readarray", ARRAYPTR)] assert isinstance(ARRAYPTR.TO, lltype.GcArray) def test_adt_method(self): def ll_callme(n): return n ll_callme = lltype.staticAdtMethod(ll_callme) S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed), adtmeths = {'yep': True, 'callme': ll_callme}) def g(p, x, y, z): p.x = x if p.yep: z *= p.callme(y) return z def f(x, y, z): p = lltype.malloc(S) return g(p, x, y, z) t, wa = self.translate(f, [int, int, int]) fgraph = graphof(t, f) assert fgraph.startblock.operations[-1].opname == 'direct_call' result = wa.analyze(fgraph.startblock.operations[-1]) assert list(result) == [("struct", lltype.Ptr(S), "x")] def test_interiorfield(self): A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Struct('x', ('x', lltype.Signed), ('y', lltype.Signed))) def g(x): a = lltype.malloc(A, 1) a[0].y = 3 return f(a, x) def f(a, x): a[0].x = x return a[0].y t, wa = self.translate(g, [int]) ggraph = graphof(t, g) result = wa.analyze(ggraph.startblock.operations[-1]) res = list(result) assert ('readinteriorfield', lltype.Ptr(A), 'y') in res assert ('interiorfield', lltype.Ptr(A), 'x') in res class TestGcLoadStoreIndexed(BaseTest): Analyzer = ReadWriteAnalyzer def _analyze_graph(self, t, wa, fn): graph = graphof(t, fn) result = wa.analyze(graph.startblock.operations[-1]) return result def _filter_reads(self, effects): result = [item for item in effects if not item[0].startswith('read')] return frozenset(result) def test_gc_load_indexed_str(self): from rpython.rlib.buffer import StringBuffer def typed_read(buf): return buf.typed_read(lltype.Signed, 0) def direct_read(buf): return buf.value[0] def f(x): buf = StringBuffer(x) return direct_read(buf), typed_read(buf) t, wa = self.translate(f, [str]) # check that the effect of direct_read direct_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, direct_read) assert direct_effects == frozenset([ ('readinteriorfield', lltype.Ptr(STR), 'chars') ]) # # typed_read contains many effects because it reads the vtable etc., # but we want to check that it contains also the same effect as # direct_read typed_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, typed_read) assert direct_effects.issubset(typed_effects) def test_gc_load_indexed_list_of_chars(self): from rpython.rlib.buffer import ByteBuffer def typed_read(buf): return buf.typed_read(lltype.Signed, 0) def direct_read(buf): return[0] def f(x): buf = ByteBuffer(8) return direct_read(buf), typed_read(buf) t, wa = self.translate(f, [str]) # check that the effect of direct_read LIST = LIST_OF(lltype.Char) PLIST = lltype.Ptr(LIST) direct_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, direct_read) assert direct_effects == frozenset([ ('readstruct', PLIST, 'length'), ('readstruct', PLIST, 'items'), ('readarray', LIST.items), ]) # typed_read contains many effects because it reads the vtable etc., # but we want to check that it contains also the expected effects typed_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, typed_read) expected = frozenset([ ('readstruct', PLIST, 'items'), ('readarray', LIST.items), ]) assert expected.issubset(typed_effects) def test_gc_store_indexed_str(self): from rpython.rlib.mutbuffer import MutableStringBuffer def typed_write(buf): return buf.typed_write(lltype.Signed, 0, 42) def direct_write(buf): return buf.setitem(0, 'A') def f(x): buf = MutableStringBuffer(8) return direct_write(buf), typed_write(buf) t, wa = self.translate(f, [str]) # check that the effect of direct_write direct_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, direct_write) direct_effects = self._filter_reads(direct_effects) assert direct_effects == frozenset([ ('interiorfield', lltype.Ptr(STR), 'chars') ]) # typed_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, typed_write) typed_effects = self._filter_reads(typed_effects) assert typed_effects == direct_effects def test_gc_store_indexed_list_of_chars(self): from rpython.rlib.buffer import ByteBuffer def typed_write(buf): return buf.typed_write(lltype.Signed, 0, 42) def direct_write(buf): return buf.setitem(0, 'A') def f(x): buf = ByteBuffer(8) return direct_write(buf), typed_write(buf) t, wa = self.translate(f, [str]) # check that the effect of direct_write LIST = LIST_OF(lltype.Char) direct_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, direct_write) direct_effects = self._filter_reads(direct_effects) assert direct_effects == frozenset([ ('array', LIST.items), ]) # typed_effects = self._analyze_graph(t, wa, typed_write) typed_effects = self._filter_reads(typed_effects) assert typed_effects == direct_effects def test_explanation(self): class A(object): def methodname(self): self.x = 1 return 1 def m(self): raise ValueError class B(A): def methodname(self): return 2 def m(self): return 3 def fancyname(a): return a.methodname() def m(a): return a.m() def h(flag): if flag: obj = A() else: obj = B() fancyname(obj) m(obj) t, wa = self.translate(h, [int]) hgraph = graphof(t, h) # fiiiish :-( block = hgraph.startblock.exits[0].target.exits[0].target op_call_fancyname = block.operations[0] explanation = wa.explain_analyze_slowly(op_call_fancyname) assert "fancyname" in explanation[0] assert "methodname" in explanation[1]