from rpython.flowspace.model import Variable, Constant from import log from rpython.translator import simplify def remove_unaryops(graph, opnames): """Removes unary low-level ops with a name appearing in the opnames list. """ positions = [] touched_blocks = set() for block in graph.iterblocks(): for i, op in enumerate(block.operations): if op.opname in opnames: positions.append((block, i)) while positions: block, index = positions.pop() op_result = block.operations[index].result op_arg = block.operations[index].args[0] # replace the new variable (op_result) with the old variable # (from all subsequent positions) for op in block.operations[index:]: if op is not None: for i in range(len(op.args)): if op.args[i] == op_result: op.args[i] = op_arg if (op.opname == "indirect_call" and isinstance(op.args[0], Constant)): op.opname = "direct_call" op.args = op.args[:-1] for link in block.exits: for i in range(len(link.args)): if link.args[i] == op_result: link.args[i] = op_arg if block.exitswitch == op_result: if isinstance(op_arg, Variable): block.exitswitch = op_arg else: simplify.replace_exitswitch_by_constant(block, op_arg) block.operations[index] = None touched_blocks.add(block) # remove all operations for block in touched_blocks: if block.operations: block.operations[:] = filter(None, block.operations) def remove_same_as(graph): remove_unaryops(graph, ["same_as"]) def remove_duplicate_casts(graph, translator): simplify.join_blocks(graph) num_removed = 0 # remove chains of casts for block in graph.iterblocks(): comes_from = {} for op in block.operations: if op.opname == "cast_pointer": if op.args[0] in comes_from: from_var = comes_from[op.args[0]] comes_from[op.result] = from_var if from_var.concretetype == op.result.concretetype: op.opname = "same_as" op.args = [from_var] num_removed += 1 else: op.args = [from_var] else: comes_from[op.result] = op.args[0] if num_removed: remove_same_as(graph) # remove duplicate casts for block in graph.iterblocks(): available = {} for op in block.operations: if op.opname == "cast_pointer": key = (op.args[0], op.result.concretetype) if key in available: op.opname = "same_as" op.args = [available[key]] num_removed += 1 else: available[key] = op.result if num_removed: remove_same_as(graph) # remove casts with unused results for block in graph.iterblocks(): used = {} for link in block.exits: for arg in link.args: used[arg] = True for i, op in list(enumerate(block.operations))[::-1]: if op.opname == "cast_pointer" and op.result not in used: del block.operations[i] num_removed += 1 else: for arg in op.args: used[arg] = True if translator.config.translation.verbose: log.removecasts( "removed %s cast_pointers in %s" % (num_removed, return num_removed def remove_debug_assert(graph): for block in graph.iterblocks(): for i, op in list(enumerate(block.operations))[::-1]: if op.opname == "debug_assert": del block.operations[i]