from rpython.translator.backendopt import graphanalyze from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype from rpython.tool.ansi_print import AnsiLogger log = AnsiLogger("finalizer") class FinalizerError(Exception): """__del__() is used for lightweight RPython destructors, but the FinalizerAnalyzer found that it is not lightweight. The set of allowed operations is restrictive for a good reason - it's better to be safe. Specifically disallowed operations: * anything that escapes self * anything that can allocate """ class FinalizerAnalyzer(graphanalyze.BoolGraphAnalyzer): """ Analyzer that determines whether a finalizer is lightweight enough so it can be called without all the complicated logic in the garbage collector. """ ok_operations = ['ptr_nonzero', 'ptr_eq', 'ptr_ne', 'free', 'same_as', 'direct_ptradd', 'force_cast', 'track_alloc_stop', 'raw_free', 'adr_eq', 'adr_ne', 'debug_print'] def analyze_light_finalizer(self, graph): if getattr(graph.func, '_must_be_light_finalizer_', False): self._must_be_light = graph result = self.analyze_direct_call(graph) del self._must_be_light if result is self.top_result(): msg = '%s\nIn %r' % (FinalizerError.__doc__, graph) raise FinalizerError(msg) else: result = self.analyze_direct_call(graph) #if result is self.top_result(): #'old-style non-light finalizer: %r' % (graph,)) return result def analyze_simple_operation(self, op, graphinfo): if op.opname in self.ok_operations: return self.bottom_result() if (op.opname.startswith('int_') or op.opname.startswith('float_') or op.opname.startswith('uint_') or op.opname.startswith('cast_')): return self.bottom_result() if op.opname == 'setfield' or op.opname == 'bare_setfield': TP = op.args[2].concretetype if not isinstance(TP, lltype.Ptr) or TP.TO._gckind == 'raw': # primitive type return self.bottom_result() if op.opname == 'getfield': TP = op.result.concretetype if not isinstance(TP, lltype.Ptr) or TP.TO._gckind == 'raw': # primitive type return self.bottom_result() if not hasattr(self, '_must_be_light'): return self.top_result() msg = '%s\nFound this forbidden operation:\n%r\nin %r\nfrom %r' % ( FinalizerError.__doc__, op, graphinfo, self._must_be_light) raise FinalizerError(msg)