# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-gfx/blender/blender-2.64a.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/11/18 01:06:23 flameeyes Exp $ EAPI=4 PYTHON_DEPEND="3:3.2" PATCHSET="1" inherit multilib scons-utils eutils python versionator flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs pax-utils check-reqs IUSE="cycles +game-engine player +elbeem +openexr ffmpeg jpeg2k openal openmp +dds fftw jack doc sndfile tweak-mode sdl sse redcode iconv collada 3dmouse debug nls" REQUIRED_USE="player? ( game-engine )" LANGS="en ar bg ca cs de el es es_ES fa fi fr he hr hu id it ja ky ne nl pl pt pt_BR ru sr sr@latin sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW" for X in ${LANGS} ; do IUSE+=" linguas_${X}" REQUIRED_USE+=" linguas_${X}? ( nls )" done DESCRIPTION="3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System" HOMEPAGE="http://www.blender.org" case ${PV} in *_p*) SRC_URI="http://dev.gentoo.org/~lu_zero/${P}.tar.gz" ;; *) SRC_URI="http://download.blender.org/source/${P}.tar.gz" ;; esac if [[ -n ${PATCHSET} ]]; then SRC_URI+=" http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/${PN}/${P}-patches-${PATCHSET}.tar.xz" fi SLOT="0" LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 BL )" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" RDEPEND="virtual/jpeg media-libs/libpng:0 x11-libs/libXi x11-libs/libX11 media-libs/tiff:0 media-libs/libsamplerate virtual/opengl virtual/glu >=media-libs/freetype-2.0 virtual/libintl media-libs/glew >=sci-physics/bullet-2.78[-double-precision] dev-cpp/eigen:3 sci-libs/colamd sci-libs/ldl dev-cpp/glog[gflags] sys-libs/zlib cycles? ( media-libs/openimageio >=dev-libs/boost-1.44[threads(+)] ) iconv? ( dev-libs/libiconv ) sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl[audio,joystick] ) openexr? ( media-libs/openexr ) ffmpeg? ( >=virtual/ffmpeg-0.6.90[x264,mp3,encode,theora,jpeg2k?] ) openal? ( >=media-libs/openal-1.6.372 ) fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 ) jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit ) sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile ) collada? ( media-libs/opencollada ) 3dmouse? ( dev-libs/libspnav )" DEPEND="dev-util/scons doc? ( dev-python/sphinx app-doc/doxygen[-nodot(-),dot(+)] ) nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) ${RDEPEND}" pkg_pretend() { if use openmp && ! tc-has-openmp; then eerror "You are using gcc built without 'openmp' USE." eerror "Switch CXX to an OpenMP capable compiler." die "Need openmp" fi if use doc; then CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD="4G" check-reqs_pkg_pretend fi } pkg_setup() { python_set_active_version 3 } src_prepare() { epatch "${WORKDIR}"/${PV}/*.patch # remove some bundled deps rm -r \ extern/libopenjpeg \ extern/glew \ extern/Eigen3 \ extern/bullet2 \ extern/colamd \ extern/binreloc \ extern/libmv/third_party/{ldl,glog,gflags} \ || die ewarn "$(echo "Remaining bundled dependencies:"; ( find extern -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d; find extern/libmv/third_party -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d; ) | sed 's|^|- |')" } src_configure() { # FIX: forcing '-funsigned-char' fixes an anti-aliasing issue with menu # shadows, see bug #276338 for reference append-flags -funsigned-char append-lfs-flags local mycflags=$(printf "'%s'," ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} | sed -e 's:,$::') local mycxxflags=$(printf "'%s'," ${CPPFLAGS} ${CXXFLAGS} | sed -e 's:,$::') local myldflags=$(printf "'%s'," ${LDFLAGS} | sed -e 's:,$::') cat << EOF >> "${S}"/user-config.py CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" CFLAGS=[${mycflags}] CXXFLAGS=[${mycxxflags}] BGE_CXXFLAGS=[${mycxxflags}] LINKFLAGS=[${myldflags}] PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS=[${myldflags}] CCFLAGS=[] REL_CFLAGS=[] REL_CXXFLAGS=[] REL_CCFLAGS=[] C_WARN=[] CC_WARN=[] CXX_WARN=[] BF_OPENJPEG="/usr" BF_OPENJPEG_INC="/usr/include" BF_OPENJPEG_LIB="openjpeg" WITH_BF_BULLET=1 BF_BULLET="/usr/include" BF_BULLET_INC="/usr/include/bullet /usr/include/bullet/BulletCollision /usr/include/bullet/BulletDynamics /usr/include/bullet/LinearMath /usr/include/bullet/BulletSoftBody" BF_BULLET_LIB="BulletSoftBody BulletDynamics BulletCollision LinearMath" WITH_BF_COLAMD=1 BF_COLAMD="/usr" BF_COLAMD_INC="/usr/include" BF_COLAMD_LIB="colamd" BF_OPENCOLLADA_INC="/usr/include/opencollada/" BF_OPENCOLLADA_LIBPATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opencollada/" BF_OIIO="/usr" BF_OIIO_INC="/usr/include" BF_OIIO_LIB="OpenImageIO" BF_BOOST="/usr" BF_BOOST_INC="/usr/include/boost" BF_ICONV="/usr" BF_TWEAK_MODE=$(usex tweak-mode 1 0) BF_DEBUG=$(usex debug 1 0) BF_OPENGL_LIB='GL GLU X11 Xi GLEW' BF_INSTALLDIR="../install" WITH_PYTHON_SECURITY=1 WITHOUT_BF_PYTHON_INSTALL=1 BF_PYTHON="/usr" BF_PYTHON_VERSION="3.2" BF_PYTHON_ABI_FLAGS="" BF_BUILDINFO=0 BF_QUIET=0 BF_LINE_OVERWRITE=0 WITH_BF_FHS=1 WITH_BF_BINRELOC=0 WITH_BF_STATICOPENGL=0 EOF blend_with() { echo "WITH_BF_${2:-$1}=$(usex $1 1 0)" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' \ >> "${S}"/user-config.py } # configure WITH_BF* Scons build options blend_with 3dmouse blend_with collada blend_with cycles boost blend_with cycles oiio blend_with cycles blend_with dds blend_with doc docs blend_with elbeem fluid blend_with ffmpeg ogg blend_with ffmpeg blend_with fftw fftw3 blend_with fftw oceansim blend_with game-engine gameengine blend_with iconv blend_with jack blend_with jpeg2k openjpeg blend_with nls international blend_with openal blend_with openexr blend_with openmp blend_with player blend_with redcode blend_with sdl blend_with sndfile blend_with sse rayoptimization } src_compile() { escons cat - > "${T}"/${PN}.env <