# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/ocaml/ocaml-3.09.2.ebuild,v 1.4 2006/07/12 15:29:41 gustavoz Exp $ inherit flag-o-matic eutils multilib DESCRIPTION="fast modern type-inferring functional programming language descended from the ML (Meta Language) family" HOMEPAGE="http://www.ocaml.org/" SRC_URI="http://caml.inria.fr/distrib/ocaml-3.09/${P}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="QPL-1.0 LGPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 sparc ~x86" IUSE="tcltk latex" DEPEND="virtual/libc tcltk? ( >=dev-lang/tk-3.3.3 )" pkg_setup() { ewarn ewarn "Building ocaml with unsafe CFLAGS can have unexpected results" ewarn "Please retry building with safer CFLAGS before reporting bugs" ewarn "Likewise, building with a hardened gcc is not possible." ewarn } src_compile() { filter-flags "-fstack-protector" replace-flags "-O?" -O2 local myconf use tcltk || myconf="-no-tk" # Fix for bug #46703 export LC_ALL=C ./configure -prefix /usr \ -bindir /usr/bin \ -libdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml \ -mandir /usr/share/man \ --with-pthread ${myconf} || die sed -i -e "s/\(BYTECCCOMPOPTS=.*\)/\1 ${CFLAGS}/" config/Makefile sed -i -e "s/\(NATIVECCCOMPOPTS=.*\)/\1 ${CFLAGS}/" config/Makefile make world || die make opt || die make opt.opt || die } src_install() { make BINDIR=${D}/usr/bin \ LIBDIR=${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml \ MANDIR=${D}/usr/share/man \ install || die # compiler libs dodir /usr/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs insinto /usr/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs doins {utils,typing,parsing}/*.{mli,cmi,cmo,cmx,o} # headers dodir /usr/include dosym /usr/lib/ocaml/caml /usr/include/ # silly, silly makefiles dosed "s:${D}::g" /usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml/ld.conf # documentation dodoc Changes INSTALL LICENSE README Upgrading } pkg_postinst() { if use latex; then echo "TEXINPUTS=/usr/$(get_libdir)/ocaml/ocamldoc:" > /etc/env.d/99ocamldoc fi echo einfo "OCaml is not binary compatible from version to version," einfo "so you (may) need to rebuild all packages depending on it that" einfo "are actually installed on your system." einfo "To do so, you can run: " einfo "sh ${FILESDIR}/ocaml-rebuild.sh [-h | emerge options]" einfo "Which will call emerge on all old packages with the given options" echo }