# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jython/jython-2.1.ebuild,v 1.3 2003/08/24 03:00:44 strider Exp $ DESCRIPTION="Java Python implementation" # Homepage, not used by Portage directly but handy for developer reference HOMEPAGE="http://www.jython.org" MY_PV="21" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${PN}-${MY_PV}.class" LICENSE="JPython" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc ~sparc" IUSE="" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.2 >=app-arch/unzip-5.50-r1" src_unpack() { unzip ${DISTDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}.class -d ${S}/ } src_install() { dojar jython.jar dodoc README.txt NEWS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LICENSE.txt dohtml -A .css .jpg .gif -r Doc }