You aren\'t logged in or you didn\t come to this page from the right link.
'; main_footer(); exit; } // check to make sure they're a leader. $query = mysql_query( "select leader,gid from teams where gid=$gid" ); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $leaders = explode( ',', $row['leader'] ); while ( $each = each($leaders) ) { if ( $each['value'] == $uid ) { $num = $row['gid']; $name = team_num_name( $row['gid'] ); break; } } $admin = mysql_query( "select admin from users where uid=$uid" ); list( $admin ) = mysql_fetch_row( $admin ); if ( !($name || $admin) ) { print 'You aren\'t the leader of that team!
'; main_footer(); exit; } if ( $summary || $status ) { // they submitted $result = mysql_query( "update teams set summary='$summary',status='$status' where gid=$num" ); print 'Change(s) committed.
'; } $info = mysql_query( "select summary,status from teams where gid=$gid" ); list( $summary, $status ) = mysql_fetch_row( $info ); ?>=$name;?> Team Edit